Mt. Baldy Bikini Party

Okay, I kid you not, as I was driving to Mt. Baldy this morning for an early-season training hike, I was bemoaning the dearth of scantily clad women in the backcountry.
I mean, I've been hiking a long, long time, and while initially in my hiking career I was convinced I'd one day hit the jackpot and find a mountain covered with lovely ladies, time has taught me it never happens.
Let's face it: hiking in general and mountain climbing in particular remain male-dominated sports.
So what to my wondering eyes should appear today, but a dozen or more bikini-clad young women marching up the Ski Hut trail en route to Mt. Baldy's summit.
Turns out today was the 3rd annual "Mt. Baldy Speedo Hike" for On the Loose, the outdoor club of the Claremont Colleges. Speedos (for men) and two piece bathing suits (for women) were mandatory, with mustaches and German accents highly recommended. If I was a shy young student in the Claremont area with an interest in mountains and naked ladies, I would join this club in a heartbeat.
In addition to hosting bikini activities, On the Loose organizes a bevy of outdoor trips all over the Southland, with a Death Valley marathon upcoming and no doubt a party or two on the horizon as well.
I can't help but think of this as vindication for all my old fantasies of coming across a group of frolicking young nymphs in the wilderness. So for all you frustrated young male backcountry wanderers out there, take heart: a bikini party might just be waiting for you in the near future atop that next summit.
Although most probably not.
— October 24, 2009
My family and I are deeply grateful to all of you for your kind words, encouragement, and offers of support. Every message and every gesture—big or small—has meant a lot to us. We're doing the best we can ❤️

Than Volk October 24, 2009 at 7:07 pm
Haha, thanks for the post, Andrew. I've organized Speedo Hike the past two years and have been following your blog for the past two years or so as well. In addition to being actively involved in OTL, I'm also president of our ski and snowboard club, Skeeze. I'm absolutely in love with skiing Baldy, have my own backcountry setup and have explored the Baldy out of bounds quite a bit, compiling winter ascents/descents of Telegraph, Harwood (twice) and the Ski Hut.
We're screening TGR's Re:Session on campus on Friday, November 13 if you're free, interested, and want to stop by:
Bill October 25, 2009 at 10:13 am
Our timing on the hike was perfect. The well timed water break after a group of male participants passed us was very welcomed.
Sierra Journal October 25, 2009 at 10:00 pm
Ha! You guys are gonna have to take it up a notch if you wanna hang with our friends across the pond. :)