C2N Goes to Graz

I am very pleased to announce that my short film, The Couloir to Nowhere, is an official selection of the 2011 Internationales Berg & Abenteuer Filmfestival in Graz, Austria. While the tone of this post may seem rather dry and reserved, I am in fact quite over the moon with excitement and desperately trying to avoid using multiple exclamation points.
And, yes: I'm going. I've booked a ticket to Austria. Let me say that again: I have booked a ticket to Austria! AUSTRIA!!!!!!!! Anyhow, the screening will be Wednesday, November 9 at 3pm in the Schubertkino-Saal 3 theater. If you happen to be in Graz, Austria on that date, I recommend attending. That is all.
— October 22, 2011
My family and I are deeply grateful to all of you for your kind words, encouragement, and offers of support. Every message and every gesture—big or small—has meant a lot to us. We're doing the best we can ❤️

Dan Conger October 23, 2011 at 9:52 am
Congratulations!!!!! That is a huge accomplishment.
Jeff S October 23, 2011 at 6:04 pm
Congrats, Andy!
Michael October 24, 2011 at 11:06 am
That is awesome Andy! Exclamation point away!
Dan Conger October 31, 2011 at 1:09 pm
Just got my DVD copy and really enjoyed it. You should think about doing something similar for Bair's Creek Cirque on Mt. Williamson. That would be a fantastic movie!!!
Puka Lewicky aka. Mom November 7, 2011 at 6:33 am
Congratulations Andy !!! your dad and I are thrilled about this honor for you. All our Love.