
Quick Look: DryGuy Travel Dry

Quick Look: DryGuy Travel Dry

I myself have no need for boot driers, because my feet of course never sweat, but my kids' boots somehow end up soaked after each and every day of skiing. And I'm the one who has to dry them, day after day, trip after trip, year after year.

So I was positively delighted when DryGuy looked me up and offered to send me a set of their Travel Dry DX portable heaters for review. Previously I've been using Seirus' Hot Ratz driers, which do work, but which I've never quite felt motivated to recommend.

The DryGuy offering, to me, is a much more appealing heater. The design has a number of modest but clever touches that address some of the complaints I've had with my Hot Ratz, including pull tabs so you can easily remove the heaters from your boots without worrying about damaging the power cords.

The construction overall is clearly more robust, as is the fan, which moves considerably more air. The AC cord has an integrated 12V connector so you can plug in to your car without worrying about keeping track of a separate adapter.

I've found the Travel Dry fast and easy to use, allowing me to dry multiple pairs of boots between quitting time and bedtime, so I don't have to get up in the middle of the night to swap out boots. If you have boot drying needs, these are an easy pick for me. You can find them on Amazon.

— December 14, 2017

My family and I are deeply grateful to all of you for your kind words, encouragement, and offers of support. Every message and every gesture—big or small—has meant a lot to us. We're doing the best we can ❤️

thank you SkiMo!