
Snow Valley, Express Edition

Snow Valley, Express Edition

Happy 2018 everyone! While we are once again watching the long range forecasts and hoping for the elusive 'pattern shift', here's some good news: Snow Valley finally got its express lift.

I've been pining for a high speed lift at Snow Valley for a long time, and I can tell you, having visited yesterday, the new lift is wonderful.

No, it does not shrink the mountain; rather, it reveals what those of us who were willing to brave the old chair always suspected: Snow Valley is a great place to ski. Even given how little snow they currently have, Snow Valley with a modern chairlift is an absolute delight.

I swear, as I was riding the new lift, I kept looking towards Big Bear Lake, and thinking how happy I was that I wasn't driving those awful extra miles to reach the Bear resorts, and that just made the new lift all the sweeter.

And the Snow Valley parking lot—what an absolute dream compared to their competitors.

Heck, I say Snow Valley has just ticked off number one of the two must-haves for their continued survival. They've got the high speed lift, and it is grand. Now they have to add full-coverage snowmaking capability in above freezing temperatures.

If they can do that, they've got a bright future for let's say the next decade or so (fingers crossed). If not, I guess there's always the chance that The Day After Tomorrow was on to something.

Aside from how much easier a drive it is, I think Snow Valley grabs me because it trips so many nostalgic wires. It has that old school, quirky, family-owned ski area feel that I associate with my glory days. And it's just a joy to ski with family and kids. Long live Snow Valley!

— January 16, 2018

My family and I are deeply grateful to all of you for your kind words, encouragement, and offers of support. Every message and every gesture—big or small—has meant a lot to us. We're doing the best we can ❤️

thank you SkiMo!

George January 17, 2018 at 6:52 am

Bad investment. Maybe they can sell it to a resort in SA.

Bill January 18, 2018 at 4:36 pm

Yep, agree with all. Skied there the last two weekends. New chair is great! Just a very comfortable place for families with kids to ski. We used to get season passes at Baldy and loved it for the terrain and that same nostalgic feeling but just too inconsistent in our changing climate. Big Bear and Mountain High, though very robust, seems like there's an incident everytime we go, i.e. 20-something meathead verbally assaulting my 8 yr old (last year - but staff and witnesses were great and tore up the meathead's ticket) or one of us getting run into. Plus Snow Valley so much more affordable: family pack or with $20 half price and every other time free! And love the deck / bar / grill part way up the mountain for Mom & Dad to quit early and watch our kids zoom by. But of course, my boys gravitate to the terrain park features, which have not been set up yet this year. Lawd, pray for snow!