A Good Day at Baldy
From the archives, here is Mount Baldy one year ago, March 23, 2019. I videoed the kids and I enjoying a classic day of Southern California Spring skiing at the resort, but I never got around to editing it together and putting it online.
Now seems like a good time for it.
One day later, Preston and I skied West Baldy. Both days seem like a million years ago. So much has changed since then it sometimes feels as if nothing will ever be the same. But the good days will return, I know. Someday.
Note that Mount Baldy has, as of yesterday, reopened for limited, reservations-only skiing at the resort (as per San Bernardino County's updated lockdown restrictions). I cannot advise you whether or not you should visit; if you do think about going, I think it's a decision you should make carefully.
— April 23, 2020
My family and I are deeply grateful to all of you for your kind words, encouragement, and offers of support. Every message and every gesture—big or small—has meant a lot to us. We're doing the best we can ❤️

Brad Brown April 23, 2020 at 12:51 pm
Kids are getting big! O can really snap some turns plus a
little airs! So fun to hang with my grandkids as they learn the Art.
Remarkable late season opening. SS looks partially burnt lower but would otherwise have been near a late season record closing date, sans Covid with a touch of snow relocation. Picked the wrong year for this virus.
Does this mean SG range has reopened as well? Ironically it may be harder to socially distance on backbone or Ski Hut routes than at the resort proper due to all the choke points where steeps happen!?
Charles April 27, 2020 at 5:38 pm
Your kids are great skiers!
Thanks for this, it's like a pocket sized virtual ski day for me, sitting in my Brooklyn apartment.
I'm literally breaking in a pair of yet-unused touring boots by... wearing them around the kitchen to wash dishes and clean up the place.
Andy April 27, 2020 at 6:05 pm
I know, when I first watched this a few days ago it was like being back in that moment, back in that day.
Charles where do you do your touring?