SierraDescents | 2010
June 5, 2010
TPR Opens
Hooray—sort of. It's probably not news to you by now, but Tioga Pass Road has opened for the 2010 season as of 8 a.m. Saturday. Bummer of course is that this year's (more)
June 1, 2010
U-Notch Ice Dancing
Here’s what I was thinking: I was nine hours deep on a ski attempt of North Palisade’s U-Notch Couloir, and all was going well until the easy snow I was climbing abruptly (more)
May 8, 2010
Last Days at Baldy
Looks like this weekend is it for skiing at Mt. Baldy resort. I was there yesterday to enjoy one last day on my pass, closing out what has been a surprisingly strong year at the (more)
May 2, 2010
San Gorgonio Mountain
I'm going to have to make the drive out to the San Bernardino Mountains more often! Al and I skied San Gorgonio Mountain yesterday, and aside from a little wind up top, we were (more)
April 24, 2010
Snow Creek
If there is one singularly conspicuous omission in the SierraDescents repertoire, it is unquestionably a ski descent of San Jacinto Peak via Snow Creek. There are many fine peaks (more)
April 18, 2010
Scarpa Skookum Review
I was under the impression Scarpa's new Skookum was a Frankenboot of parts borrowed from other Scarpa models in an evil-genius attempt to create a downhill performance monster. (more)
April 8, 2010
MSR Reactor
Probably the most critical comment I can make about MSR's Reactor backpacking stove is that it sat unused and unopened inside my closet for nearly two years. Winner of a 2007 (more)
March 31, 2010
West Baldy
This past weekend some friends and I took a professional videographer up West Baldy to try to nab some footage of Southern California backcountry skiing for a Ski Channel (more)
March 22, 2010
The Couloir to Nowhere
I first saw it in January 2008. My friend Bill Henry and I were climbing Mount Baden-Powell for a modest day tour in Southern California's San Gabriel Mountains. As we stood atop (more)
March 1, 2010
Telluride: Top To Bottom
I'd been thinking about getting this shot ever since I first bought my Contour helmet cam: a continuous clip skiing Telluride from the top of the Revelation chairlift, elevation (more)