SierraDescents | Category | Kids

Kids: The Snowplow Returns

Kids: The Snowplow Returns

As parents we are oh-so-sensitive to regression. We fight tooth and nail for every scrap of developmental progress, be it reading, eating with utensils, escaping diapers, or not (more)

Kids: Chasing The Cousins

Kids: Chasing The Cousins

I think my son was four when we first skied with his cousins. At that time, he was very cautious on snow, preferring to follow me at all times rather than lead the way. He kept (more)

Kids: Get Help When You Need It

Kids: Get Help When You Need It

At some point in your quest to turn your kids into skiers, no matter how much you love to do everything yourself, chances are you'll find yourself stuck or running out of steam or (more)

Of Mountains and Molehills

Of Mountains and Molehills

For those of you who have snow in your own backyard, I'm very jealous. Here on vacation in Northern Arizona, I've been enjoying the pleasures of cross country skiing, which (more)

First Steps: Kids on Snow

First Steps: Kids on Snow

In my teach your kids to ski series from last season, we talked a lot about the process of getting your kids familiar with and interested in skiing, from the philosophical (more)

Finding Appropriate Terrain

Finding Appropriate Terrain

I would like to relate a little story about ski terrain and my hometown mountain, the Arizona Snowbowl. I was skiing there with my son, who had recently progressed to skiing off (more)

Skiing With Kids: Dry Land Training

Skiing With Kids: Dry Land Training

One of the things that occurs to me about skiing with kids is that it's tough. It's tough in so many ways and on so many levels I wouldn't know where to begin to talk about it (more)

Embracing the Edgie-Wedgie

Embracing the Edgie-Wedgie

Whenever I find myself riding up a chairlift with a ski instructor, the first thing I do is ask what age range they teach. And if they say 'kids', I get a bit of a glint in my (more)

The Liabilities of the Leash

The Liabilities of the Leash

Forgive me for sounding dramatic, but the use of a leash turns out to be something of a two-edged sword. When it comes to teaching your kids to ski, it's worth taking a moment to (more)

Everyone Has Fun, No One Gets Hurt

Everyone Has Fun, No One Gets Hurt

'Everyone has fun; no one gets hurt' has become my motto when I'm skiing with my kids. As a mission statement it is simple, concise, and appropriately catchy, but before you nod (more)


About SierraDescents

When there is snow, SierraDescents is Andy Lewicky's California backcountry skiing and mountaineering website. Without snow, sierradescents becomes an ill-tempered hiking and climbing blog.

Pray for snow.