SierraDescents | Tag | photography

December Snow

Downtown Los Angeles and Snowy San Gabriel Mountains

As increasingly seems to be the case, snow levels stayed relatively high over the past 48 hours. Mount Baldy says 2-3 inches of snow at the parking lot (elevation 6400'); 14" at (more)

Fog & Magic

Foggy Los Angeles Basin and Santa Monica Mountains

Thick coastal fog in December takes an already-dark time of year and makes it a whole lot darker. Last November I started hiking the Leacock Trail at sunset, and I discovered the (more)

The Sierra Wave

Sierra Wave - Owens Valley, California

I've been going through my file archives and finding a lot of photos that never quite made it online but surely deserved to. Here's the Sierra wave over Owens Valley—the (more)

Mount Whitney Crest

Mount Whitney Crest from Thor Peak

Thor Peak's summit offers this expansive view of the Mount Whitney Crest. On display are Trail Crest and Mount Muir's east buttress (left), followed by Keeler and Day Needles and (more)


Fall Colors - Hart Prairie and the San Francisco Peaks

We are a touch early for the fall colors here in Northern Arizona, but it's still magical when you get just that right combination of blue sky, golden leaves, and snowy (more)

Mount Keith

Mount Keith

Mount Keith is a mountain I'd like to climb and ski. At least, hypothetically. This is a big one, just barely short of 14,000', right next door to Shepherd Pass and Mounts (more)

Los Angeles With Clean Air

Los Angeles With Clean Air

Thanks to our continued unsettled weather and our unprecedented statewide sequestration, Los Angeles is currently enjoying air quality perhaps never before seen in its modern (more)

Whitney’s North Face

Whitney's North Face

For the best view of Mount Whitney's north face, try climbing Whitney's next door neighbor, fellow fourteener Mount Russell. From the summit of Russell you can clearly see how (more)

101 Switchbacks

101 Switchbacks - Mount Whitney Trail

How many switchbacks are there between Trail Camp and Trail Crest on The Mount Whitney Trail? A lot. The exact number may never be known, but 101 seems to be the most popular (more)

The San Francisco Peaks

The San Francisco Peaks

Truly, Northern Arizona's San Francisco Peaks are a little slice of backcountry heaven. It's a small mountain, relatively, but the peaks are blessed with good skiing on all (more)


About SierraDescents

When there is snow, SierraDescents is Andy Lewicky's California backcountry skiing and mountaineering website. Without snow, sierradescents becomes an ill-tempered hiking and climbing blog.

Pray for snow.