SierraDescents | 2012
November 24, 2012
Nikon D800
Perhaps the best way to introduce Nikon's full-frame D800 DSLR is to note that it is not at all the camera Nikon enthusiasts were expecting. In hindsight, there is a certain (more)
November 21, 2012
The Invisible Note
I've been dutifully changing diapers for a long, long time, but also of course working towards getting my kids out of diapers, and though I think I can at last declare success, I (more)
November 19, 2012
The Cosmos Conundrum (Updated)
Okay, deep breath. First of all, kudos to Lou for breaking this story. Go read what he has to say, and then come back for my thoughts. Good? Good. And now, for my take: sh*t! (more)
November 16, 2012
Review: ‘Choose Your Adventure’
If you ask me, brothers Noah and Jonah Howell, a.k.a. the Powderwhores, appear to be in the midst of a transition phase. 'Choose Your Adventure' is their latest film, and in it (more)
November 13, 2012
My Most-Hated Video
I don't get much feedback on my videos, positive or negative, and I certainly don't get much in the way of 'likes' or 'dislikes', but there is one huge exception: my video review (more)
November 7, 2012
Rim to Rim: I Think You Can Do It
The call comes at 3:30 a.m. In record-setting fashion, my brother has pushed this decision to literally the last minute possible. If he says go, we'll hop in the car and drive to (more)
October 31, 2012
My Halloween Visitor
It's not the Giant Spider hanging outside my window yesterday which makes me nervous. It's the Giant Spider which was hanging outside my window yesterday but which today has gone (more)
October 29, 2012
Shifting Baselines
I've been scanning some of my dad's old Kodachrome slides of the Grand Canyon, and this shot in particular caught my eye. Here we see the south rim, as seen from Bright Angel (more)
October 20, 2012
Nikon D800 vs. Sony RX100
Once again I am updating my Sony RX100 review page. Here's an amazing admission: I bought a Nikon D800 specifically to shoot video on my then-upcoming Rim to Rim hike in the (more)
October 19, 2012
Grand Canyon: Rim to Rim in 7 Gigs
Is Grand Canyon but a dream, or is it instead where I am most truly awake? I shot a massive 7 gigs of raw video on this hike, starting at Yaki Point on the south rim and (more)