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I Threw Out My Baldy Passes

I Threw Out My Baldy Passes

Yes, I did it. Over here at SierraDescents, I realize it's not just my job to amuse or entertain you. No, when things get grim, and Mother Nature won't keep up her end of the (more)

The San G Report

The San G Report

Good news here is that I finally blew the dust off my Dynafits. Bad news is conditions weren't very amenable to skiing. Trevor and I hiked up the San Bernardino Wilderness' (more)

A Photo You Don’t Need to See…

A Photo You Don't Need to See...

But, I'll show it anyway: Baldy Bowl, from 10,000 feet, February 1st, 2012. Yes, that's a virtually snowless mountain in the midst of a snowless season with no snow in sight. As (more)

Ambrose at GreenStone Lake

Ambrose at GreenStone Lake

One of the few upsides to our snowless 2012 winter has been perhaps-unprecedented access to the interior Sierra in the dead of winter. Photographer Michael Ambrose recently made (more)

TPR Open?

TPR Open?

Is Tioga Pass Road really open? Really? I can't believe it. I can not believe it. January 14, 2012, and SR 120 is showing "NO RESTRICTIONS" through the heart of the central (more)

A Bony New Year

A Bony New Year

Here in Flagstaff, Arizona for the holidays. I suppose we should be happy the Snowbowl is at least open, but paying full price for a ticket to wreck your skis does make me a bit (more)

Say No to Summer

Say No to Summer

Okay, it's June 2 and I just bought a new pair of skis...for this season. (more)

Portal Road, Snow, Permits

Portal Road, Snow, Permits

Despite the ease of access, the Whitney Portal region has a less than glowing reputation when it comes to backcountry skiing. Perhaps it's not so much that there's something (more)

395 Report (South)

395 Report (South)

Scouted Highway 395 between Olancha and Independence this past weekend. As has been the case the past few years, snow coverage varies greatly depending (I assume) on wind effect (more)

Winter Returns (Again)

Winter Returns (Again)

Our off-again, on-again winter returns this weekend, with a huge forecast that should turn our thoughts back to snow. Sunday night appears to offer the most potential for (more)