SierraDescents | Category | Video

Today’s Slice of Zen

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Here's a quick sample of video from my Sony RX100 compact. Truth be told I'm using the RX100 a lot in my day-to-day photography, and I'm liking it a lot, so I've made some (more)

Marina del Rey Fireworks Return

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Budget woes forced the cancellation of Marina Del Rey's annual 4th of July fireworks celebration last year, robbing us of one of Southern California's best free pyrotechnics (more)

False White

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Chances of Memorial Day snow notwithstanding, this is probably going to be the last hurrah this year for my Sierra backcountry season—a ski descent of False White Mountain (more)

Leavitt Peak Groove

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I had so much fun a week ago Skiing Conness' Y-Couloir I decided Y not do another? And so Trevor Benedict and I headed all the way north to Sonora Pass to ski Leavitt Peak's (more)

Mount Conness: Y-Couloir

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Merry Fishmass everyone! That's right, fishing season is officially underway in the Eastern Sierra. Hope you took advantage of the open roads this past weekend and got out there (more)

Skiing San Diego

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It is a strange, strange thing to get in your car in L.A. and head south to go skiing. Stuck in traffic on the 405, I began to wonder what sort of fool's quest I was embarking (more)

The Deep Report

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I am standing in my kitchen watching raw footage from yesterday when I spontaneously break out into a wild, crazy jig. What am I doing, my son asks? The Powder Dance, I (more)

Charlton Peak Panorama

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Okay, so maybe 10,806' Charlton Peak isn't the most intimidating summit I've visited, or the most scenic. But it is a summit, damn it, and therefore I'm including it in my (more)

Chasing My Brother

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Really there's no better motivator than having a little brother who's faster than you in the gates. I spent damn near my entire young adulthood chasing him, and, looks (more)

The Muir Disconnect

The Muir Disconnect

Seen from nearly any angle, Mount Muir's East Buttress would seem to be self-evidently unskiable. And then, from atop Thor Peak last April, Dave Braun and I saw what appeared to (more)