SierraDescents | Category | Video
December 5, 2011
Mount Muir Panorama
A very chilly December day atop 14,012' Mount Muir, enjoying the hair-raising exposure off the summit block. I wanted to get some photos of Muir and Trevor wanted to check Muir (more)
October 20, 2011
West Baldy Timelapse
Wow, was this a trip down the rabbit hole! That Landscapes video inspired me to create my own timelapse. Naturally, I thought shooting from the top of West Baldy at sunset would (more)
September 19, 2011
White Mountain Panorama
California's White Mountain, elevation 14,252', offers a truly unique perspective of the High Sierra, allowing you to see essentially the whole of the range in one great (more)
September 7, 2011
Arr, my shoulders are sore, which can mean only one thing...I've been waterskiing at Lake Powell! My brother invited me to join him for a day of fun on the lake. Funny to say I (more)
August 14, 2011
Telescope Panorama
Like its prominent neighbor to the south, San Jacinto Peak, Death Valley National Park's Telescope Peak is a desert summit offering nothing less than a mindblowing vertical (more)
July 3, 2011
Mammoth: Top to Bottom
Yes, it's another entry in my critically-acclaimed 'Top-to-Bottom' video series, in which I go to the top of a ski area and ski all the way down to the bottom! What an absolute (more)
June 20, 2011
A Double Dose of Dana
Looks like this is going to be it for me this year: a double descent of Mount Dana via Solstice and then Dana Couloirs. Tioga Pass opened on Saturday, so we hit the road and (more)
May 31, 2011
Split Mountain
Huge, huge day on Split yesterday—we skied the north face right off the top of the north summit, then down into the Red Lake basin right beneath the east face and the (more)
May 23, 2011
Skiing Whitney!
I'm so excited—Whitney has eluded me since 2006, when I passed on skiing the Mountaineer's Route, figuring I'd get to it next season. Every year since then, I've waited for (more)