SierraDescents | Category | Video

The Girly Man

Climbing Telegraph Peak - 300x300 placeholder

Yes, it's Southern California's infamous steep-skiing classic, the Girly Man Chute, seen here in far from ideal conditions on an alternately foggy and sunny warm April day. Girly (more)

SierraDescents Performance Art

SierraDescents Performance Art

Believe it or not, this actually started out as a business-as-usual review of the Icebreaker Quantum Liner Glove. Occasionally, however, a truly unique piece of gear comes along, (more)

Sweet, Sweet Jean

Sweet, Sweet Jean

Cold Storm Good. (more)

Arizona Snowbowl: Top to Bottom

Arizona Snowbowl: Top to Bottom

Continuing my award-winning Top to Bottom video series, here is a POV ski descent of the Arizona Snowbowl via the Spur Catwalk, Lower Bowl, Logjam, Wild Turkey, and Round (more)

Palmyra Peak

Palmyra Peak

You really can't understand how extraordinary Telluride's hike-to 13,320' Palmyra Peak is unless you actually go up the bastard. This is wild country, fully deserving of its EX (more)

Mt. San Antonio – North Face

Mt. San Antonio - North Face

My history skiing Mt. Baldy's north face has typically run in one of two flavors: abominable, or terrifying. Sometimes both. Baldy's north face seems particularly vulnerable to (more)

Winter Yearbook (2009-2010)

Winter Yearbook (2009-2010)

Maybe I needed a little space to make sense of this past winter. It seemed at the time like I just wasn't getting out there as much as I wanted, but now that I've edited all the (more)

The ‘Couloir to Nowhere’ DVD is Here!

The 'Couloir to Nowhere' DVD is Here!

It's here at last: the Couloir to Nowhere DVD is now available, just in time for the holiday season! SierraDescents' first-ever short film tells the story of our ski descent of (more)

Half Dome Cables & Crowds

Half Dome Cables & Crowds

Bill Henry and I made a go of Half Dome's infamous cables route on a very crowded August day. This marked the last year of the no-quota era. Rangers have subsequently instituted (more)

Split Mountain – South Face

Split Mountain - South Face

Originally our objective was a fiercely ambitious loop in the Williamson area, but conditions didn't look favorable, or maybe we just weren't stoked about putting in that much (more)