SierraDescents | Page 12

Telegraph Peak

Telegraph Peak

In the modern era, this is one of my photos that has long puzzled me. This is Telegraph Peak, shot from near the top of Mt. Baldy's ski resort's Thunder Mountain, taken May 15, (more)

Anvil Camp via Shepherd Pass Trail

Anvil Camp via Shepherd Pass Trail

This is a 2010 backtrip trip I did from Symmes Creek to Anvil Camp via the Shepherd Pass trail. We had intended to climb Mount Williamson via the west face, but got shut down by (more)

Mount Keith

Mount Keith

Mount Keith is a mountain I'd like to climb and ski. At least, hypothetically. This is a big one, just barely short of 14,000', right next door to Shepherd Pass and Mounts (more)

Los Angeles With Clean Air

Los Angeles With Clean Air

Thanks to our continued unsettled weather and our unprecedented statewide sequestration, Los Angeles is currently enjoying air quality perhaps never before seen in its modern (more)

Whitney’s North Face

Whitney's North Face

For the best view of Mount Whitney's north face, try climbing Whitney's next door neighbor, fellow fourteener Mount Russell. From the summit of Russell you can clearly see how (more)

101 Switchbacks

101 Switchbacks - Mount Whitney Trail

How many switchbacks are there between Trail Camp and Trail Crest on The Mount Whitney Trail? A lot. The exact number may never be known, but 101 seems to be the most popular (more)

North Palisade: The U-Notch

North Palisade: The U-Notch

This is a May 31, 2010 climb and ski of North Palisade's U-Notch couloir. Originally I had intended to do an extended video of the whole trip, but a few things got in the way of (more)

Cirque Peak

Cirque Peak

I've always wanted to ski Cirque Peak. This is a handsome sub-13K' peak in the Golden Trout Wilderness, near Army Pass and Mount Langley, with a scooped east face that looks ripe (more)

Mammoth Closes

Mammoth Closes

I am posting links to my twitter account if I find something I think is helpful. Marginal Revolution has been a good source for both news and analysis, so I recommend starting (more)

WWSRA 2020-2021 Ski Reviews

WWSRA 2020-2021 Ski Reviews

Available now for your viewing pleasure are my 2020-2021 ski reviews (that means these are currently next season's skis!) from the WWSRA on-snow demo event at Mammoth (more)