SierraDescents | Page 18

Mount Sill: Two North Couloirs

Mount Sill: Two North Couloirs

After a long break, I made my way back to the Sierra's Palisades Crest for a climb and ski of Mount Sill. My expectations were modest on this one, but Sill turned out to be a (more)

Mammoth In May

Mammoth In May

Mammoth in May is simply untouchable. There is no place on Earth I'd rather be. Give me the free-fall magic of Wipeout/Dropout in sun-kissed spring snow, lap after lap, till my (more)

Birch Mountain—Still Big

Birch Mountain—Still Big

This past weekend Bill, not one but two Prestons, and I headed to Birch Mountain for a climb and ski, and in the early morning hours, somewhere in the first two thousand vertical (more)

Mount Russell – Northeast Couloir

Mount Russell - Northeast Couloir

I haven't skied anything remotely like this since Mount Muir six years ago. This is normally just a giant cliff face. When we crested Russell-Carillon Col and saw it was covered (more)

Mount Carillon — Southeast Face

Mount Carillon — Southeast Face

Mount Carillon's southeast face was supposed to be just an incidental snowfield en route to California fourteener Mount Russell, but instead it turned out to be 2000+ vertical (more)

Skiing The Thumb

Skiing The Thumb

A few quick notes: jeez, the wind was bad on this one, but the trip itself was great. This is a new format designed to better feature my photography. Yes, I know a lot is broken (more)

What’s Going On Out There?

What's Going On Out There?

Yesterday I and two partners climbed and skied The Thumb from the Birch Creek trailhead, marking my first 7000-vertical-foot Eastern Sierra day since 2011—and my first (more)

The Air Is Alive With Snow

The Air Is Alive With Snow

I ski for many reasons, but for a sunny Southern California resident days like this are a rare treat indeed. Mammoth's record-setting 2017 winter continued this past spring break (more)

Scarpa F1 Review

Climbing Telegraph Peak - 300x300 placeholder

Maybe Scarpa's F1 doesn't quite fit into the "ultralight" Alpine Touring ski boot category, but at just less than five and a half pounds per pair, it's very, very (more)

Scouting Folly

Scouting Folly

What do you do when the mountain says, 'I want to hurt you'? That was the question this past weekend, when Al and I scouted Folly Peak, for a planned but aborted ski descent of (more)