SierraDescents | Page 28

Kearsarge Peak Panorama

Kearsarge Peak Panorama

Great views but beware the mining trail! Kearsarge is described in Jay Anderson's Climbing California's Mountains as "possibly the quickest-to-reach significant summit on the (more)

Sony RX100-III

Sony RX100-III

Is it possible the closer we get to perfection, the farther away it seems? The updates to Sony's third-edition RX100 digital compact are practically a wish list of the impossible. (more)

Fixing Your Feet

Fixing Your Feet

If your chosen sport has anything in any way to do with your feet, I say John Vonhof's Fixing Your Feet is a must-have. This massive 350-page book details the prevention, coping, (more)

Cirque Peak Panorama

Cirque Peak Panorama

I wanted an easy peak, but easy in the right way—and hard in the right way, too. In that regard, Cirque Peak, in the John Muir Wilderness just south of Mount Langely and (more)

Revelation Bowl

Revelation Bowl

Well I'm still thinking about skiing... Here's something from 2012: Revelation Bowl, in Telluride, Colorado. What's interesting is it looks like the video was shot in black and (more)

The Vertigo Machine

The Vertigo Machine

It is unlike any other chairlift I know of, and it scares the hell out of me every time I ride it. I'm talking of course about Mammoth Mountain's wonderful Chair 23, that aging (more)

Memorial Day

Memorial Day

For me, the 2013-2014 winter began and now ends with Mammoth: a Thanksgiving opening and a Memorial Day close. Yes, in terms of snowfall, this year ranks easily among the most (more)

The Agonies of Digital Media

The Agonies of Digital Media

For those of you with not a bit of digital data in any form, I envy you. You must be out there, somewhere, perhaps as part of some primitive tribe living deep within an (more)

Not Another Heat Wave…

Not Another Heat Wave...

Yes, it's another Southern California heat wave, which means it's time to check in with my living room thermometer: a lovely 93.2°F as of 5:50pm yesterday. Heat waves are not (more)

Steep Skiing: The Unweight

Steep Skiing: The Unweight

Three years I've been obsessing about steep technique. Three years of drought. It strikes me now that the irony is, having finally found the steep turn I've been looking for all (more)