SierraDescents | Page 39

Mt. San Antonio and Downtown

Mt. San Antonio and Downtown

I'm out with my camera today, partly because it's a beautiful day in Southern California, mostly because it's easier than sitting at home and reading the news. Here's downtown (more)

The Ghost Whisperer

Climbing Telegraph Peak - 300x300 placeholder

Think of Mountain Hardwear's 6.7-ounce Ghost Whisperer as a high-end heat infusion. If you want the best possible warmth-to-weight ratio in an ultralight top, this is it. The (more)

My Quick & Dirty Bootfitting Tips

My Quick & Dirty Bootfitting Tips

At Mammoth last weekend I had the interesting experience of hearing two exactly opposite bootfitting opinions in two consecutive days at two consecutive ski shops. US bootfitters (more)

The Mammoth Report

The Mammoth Report

Thank goodness we have Mammoth! Yes, Mammoth did see rain all the way up to about McCoy Station during last week's Mega-Wet, but enough of that moisture fell as snow across the (more)

First Steps: Kids on Snow

First Steps: Kids on Snow

In my teach your kids to ski series from last season, we talked a lot about the process of getting your kids familiar with and interested in skiing, from the philosophical (more)

Death Valley In ’49

Death Valley In '49

Does anyone read books anymore? This is not a rhetorical question—my books section is basically a ghost town nowadays. Still, for those of you who like to hold a bound (more)

November Snow

November Snow

I'm starting to think last season traumatized me. I've got this jonesy, pessimistic mindset right now—not helped much by the fact that the big Southern California ranges (more)

Nikon D800

Climbing Telegraph Peak - 300x300 placeholder

Perhaps the best way to introduce Nikon's full-frame D800 DSLR is to note that it is not at all the camera Nikon enthusiasts were expecting. In hindsight, there is a certain (more)

The Invisible Note

The Invisible Note

I've been dutifully changing diapers for a long, long time, but also of course working towards getting my kids out of diapers, and though I think I can at last declare success, I (more)

The Cosmos Conundrum (Updated)

The Cosmos Conundrum (Updated)

Okay, deep breath. First of all, kudos to Lou for breaking this story. Go read what he has to say, and then come back for my thoughts. Good? Good. And now, for my take: sh*t! (more)