SierraDescents | Category | Safety
January 20, 2024
The Invisible Car

The levers and wheels are the easy part. I learned that lesson when I was fifteen years old. It was summer of my Sophomore year, and I was taking a driver's ed class at my high (more)
January 18, 2024
Safety Strategies for Young Men

Traditionally we implore young men to take fewer risks. Understandably so—accidents are the number one killer of men from their teens to their early thirties. I, however, (more)
January 15, 2024
Defying Mother Nature

Where human behavior is concerned, insight has value only if it leads to change. Any good AERIE class can tell you exactly how to avoid getting killed by an avalanche, but that (more)
January 5, 2024
The Elephant in the Brain

In the face of danger, human cognition is time-consuming and expensive. When the tall grass of the African Savanna rustled, those who deliberated got eaten. Those who ran away (more)
December 29, 2023
Bomb The Hell Out of It

If predicting the behavior of avalanches is so challenging, how do ski patrol do it? How do they make a mountain safe? Perhaps we should take a look at that—and see if we (more)
December 23, 2023
Turn Off Your Beacon

You can do this experiment at home, or wherever you happen to be at this moment, but for maximum effect do it in the mountains, on a day where you believe there is significant (more)
December 21, 2023
Revisiting ‘A Dozen More Turns’

It would not be entirely accurate to call the Beacon-Shovel-Probe paradigm a failure. Since its mainstreaming in North America, advocates can rightly point to a huge increase in (more)
December 17, 2023
Everything Under the Sun

I worry a lot about ice. For skiers, ice takes a game of skill and perverts it into a game of chance. Whether you are hiker, skier, or just casual visitor to Southern (more)
December 10, 2023
The Life of Snow

When used for the purpose of declaring a complex midwinter snowpack "safe," snow pit assessment is a fool's game. Never bet your life on a pit result. That said, learning how (more)
December 8, 2023
Learning To Read The Mountain

It's time to play God. Please take a gigantic bucket of water, dump it on your favorite mountain, and then watch carefully as all that water flows down the hill. Real or (more)